FAQ: BAG Bridge

What is the BAG Bridge?

The BAG Bridge is a smart contract-based application that allows you to transfer tokens between different smart chain networks (e.g., Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, Fantom, etc.)

How does it work?

Using the BAG Bridge app, you first deposit the tokens you would like to bridge. Once the required confirmations have been reached by the network, a claim link appears which allows you to make a withdrawal on the receiving network.

What tokens and chains are supported?

In the current (Beta) release, BAG Bridge supports transferring BAG and BGLD tokens between the Ethereum network and the Binance Smart Chain network (BSC). In the near future, we will be opening the bridge to support any ERC20 token on any EVM-compatible network.

How will I make a withdrawal when I don't have the BSC gas token (BNB)?

To facilitate bridging by BAG hodlers during the Beta period, the Blockchain Adventurers Guild has airdropped up to 0.02 BNB gas to all users holding at least 1 BAG as of 5/18/2021.

Is there a time limit to make the withdrawal?

Currently you must make the withdrawal within 3 days. After this time, the deposited amount becomes fully refundable on the source chain where you made the original deposit.

Is there a fee to use the BAG Bridge?

There is a 0.25% withdrawal fee upon successful completion of a bridge transaction. There is no fee if you pass the withdrawal time limit (currently 3 days) and choose to have the original deposit refunded instead.

How do I know this works?

The bridge has been extensively tested by trusted, veteran crypto developers and is currently undergoing an audit. That said, during the Beta period, the Blockchain Adventurers Guild treasury will fully insure any losses that may result from bridge malfunction.

Your token addresses look wrong. What's going on?

Astute BAG hodlers may notice some peculiarities with the token/contract addresses on the different chains.  For example, the BGLD token address on Ethereum (0xabb63BfCBBe7A928864BD3EB75Ff06746E1B8A40) looks the same as the BAG token address on Binance Smart Chain! This is a bit of coincidence caused by the fact that in an EVM-compatible network, the address of a contract is created based on the deployer address and its nonce. Since we use the same deployer address on both chains, some of the contracts happen to have overlapping addresses. When looking at a contract address, always be mindful of which chain you're look at too!

What are the contract addresses?

Here are the links to the relevant contracts, all of which have been verified on Etherscan/Bscscan:

FAQ: Gold Mines

What are Gold Mines?

Gold Mines are where you can farm BGLD (BAG Gold) by staking either BAG or BAG/wETH UNI-V2 LP tokens. The full tokenomics of BAG and BGLD are desribed in the Brown Paper.

Can I transfer BAG from the Genesis Farms to the Gold Mines?

When you withdraw or claim from the Genesis Farms, you will be presented with an option to stake your BAG or your BAG/wETH UNI-V2 LP tokens in the Gold Mine of your choice.

How are the various Gold Mines different?

There are four initial Gold Mines as follows. All of them will be emitting BGLD for 1 year. There are three in which you stake BAG to earn BGLD, and one in which you stake BAG/wETH UNI-V2 LP to earn BGLD at a higher rate.

Surface Gold Mine

Staking Token
BGLD Emissions
1,500,000 / year
Hodl Period
7 days
Early Withdrawal Fee

Deep Gold Mine

Staking Token
BGLD Emissions
3,000,000 / year
Hodl Period
15 days
Early Withdrawal Fee

Super Deep Gold Mine

Staking Token
BGLD Emissions
6,000,000 / year
Hodl Period
30 days
Early Withdrawal Fee

Ultra Gold Mine

Staking Token
BGLD Emissions
9,500,000 / year
Hodl Period
Early Withdrawal Fee

How is APR calculated in the Gold Mines?

Currently, the APR in the Gold Mines are calculated based on a price of 1 BGLD = $20. This is based on the fact that BGLD will initially be used for in-game redemption at a price of $20, and will also be available for sale from the treasury at an initial price of $20 / BGLD.

When will the Gold Mines be active?

The initial Gold Mines will emit BGLD for about 1 year. The exact Ethereum block number are here:

BGLD Emissions Start
BGLD Emissions End

What are the contract addresses?

Here are the links to the relevant Gold Mine contracts, all of which have been verified on Etherscan:

FAQ: Genesis Farms

What are the tokenomics?

The tokenomics are described in the Brown Paper.

Is this a fair launch?

Yes. Please refer to the Brown Paper for further details.

What are the exact Ethereum block numbers for the launch?

Here are the relevant Ethereum block numbers:

Genesis Farms Start
Genesis Farms End
Early Withdrawal Fee End
Advisors Lock-Up End
Dev Vesting Cliff
Dev Vesting End

Is there a fee to deposit or withdraw in the Genesis Farms?

No, as long as you withdraw after the initial launch period (Block 12293640). If you withdraw before then, there will be a 0.3% early withdrawal fee. For advanced users, there is a third option, which you can read about here.

What are the contract addresses?

Here are the links to the contracts, all of which have been verified on Etherscan: