Withdrawal Options for the Genesis Farms

Option 1: Wait until emissions are over (Block 12293640)

If you wait to withdraw until after the genesis emissions are over (Block 12293640), there will be no withdrawal fee and you will receive all of your unclaimed BAG when you withdraw.

Option 2: Withdraw early using the app

If you would like to withdraw before the genesis emissions are over, you can withdraw using the app interface, but there will be a 0.3% early withdrawal fee charged on your staked amount. You will receive all of your unclaimed BAG when you withdraw.

Option 3 (Advanced): Use the emergencyWithdraw() function

If you would like to withdraw before the genesis emissions are over, but don't want to pay the 0.3% early withdrawal fee, you can try this method.

However, please note that you may end up leaving behind a small amount of unclaimed BAG using this method.

Step 1. Claim your unclaimed BAG using the app interface. If you don't do this first, you will be giving up all of your unclaimed BAG.
Step 2. Go to the BagRadiation Write Contract page on etherscan.io.
Step 3. Connect your wallet to etherscan.io using the "Connect to Web3" button.
Step 4. Expand the "3. emergencyWithdraw" function, enter the Pool ID into the "_pid" box, and click on the "Write" button. The Pool IDs are listed below:

DAI Farm

Please note that you will be giving up any BAG that you accrue between Step 1 and Step 4. To minimize the amount of unclaimed BAG you leave behind, Steps 2-4 should be performed immediately after Step 1.